My name is Eveline Ruitenberg
How wonderful that you have found my site!
I assume you want to know more about me (otherwise you wouldn’t look here, right?)
Totally fine! I love curious people.

Busy. With all kind of things…
- Sensitive.
- Entrepreneur.
- Why do it the hard way when it can be done the easy way?
- Work. I love to, but not too much.
- I like to keep time for my family. Enough fun things to do!
- Children. Super important that every child is seen,
feels safe and gets what he needs!!! - Experience. I have been working with children and educators for over 25 years.
- Speaking. For parents and professionals = so much fun!
- Therapy and Training. I have counseled hundreds of children in therapy and resilience training.
- Volunteer. Once upon a time. With Scouts; leading girls from 9-14 years old
- Childcare. Pedagogical employee, manager and location manager.
- Hobbies; reading, dancing with friends at an 80’s party
- At Bureau Jeugdzorg The Hague (the Netherlands), as a social worker, I supervised young people youths and families in tough neighborhoods.
- Community center. I liked those neighborhoods and I wanted to do more with my creativity so I became coordinator of girls’ work in Scheveningen (the Netherlands)
- Child psychiatry. My vocation. Wow, what a job!
- Unfortunately, I could not combine the irregular work with my family.
- So I…. completed a study to become a play therapist.
- And: training as a Coach in Preventive Chinese Health.
- Family Counselor.
- Play therapist. Almost 10 years in my own practice Neiki.
- Smiling, positive, curious and open.
- Writing and shopping <3
- Inspire, motivate, enthuse!
(Sort of) Biography
Eveline Ruitenberg is a jack-of-all-trades. She has been working with children and their parents for over 25 years. From 2009-2017 she has a thriving practice as a play therapist and has guided 100s of children in therapy and resilience training. Eveline is an emotional person with endless ideas. She likes to tackle things, is open, curious and positive.
She is married to Arnout since 2000 and together they are parents of Luca (2002), Mika (2005), Jair (2010) and Elin (2011*). Eveline is a play therapist, coach, inspirator, trainer and writer. She not only coaches children and parents, but also women. She encourages them to do what makes them happy and energetic with her company ‘Pit & Passie’.